Petz Show Club is a Discord server, and is a space for you to show your petz, in addition to various forums and websites. Petz earn points using the same system as other showing platforms, and these points count towards the same titles. For example, if your pet has 30 points, he has earned the title of Supreme Grand Champion (SGCh). (More info on titles can be found here).
The Petz Show Club was created (a bit selfishly) to help motivate me to host and enter standard pose shows. I love posing petz. I love showing petz. I love judging shows. I hate the tedious amount of paperwork involved in the current show scene - I'm just not organized enough for it. Before Petz Show Club, I hadn't entered any petz into shows for months.
One of the things holding me back was having to go through every show that I joined and record my results. I needed to record the placement and the show's name for each entry. Because of this, I would drag my feet and not enter my pet's records into my database for weeks. Eventually I'd have no idea how many points a pet had - and oftentimes, I would show petz well past the 30 points needed to earn the SGCh title.
Petz Show Club keeps track of your show records for you by using a Discord bot that automatically keeps track of all your pet's placings *and* the names of the shows your pet placed in *and* the amount of points your pet has. The show bot will even tell you the moment your pet has reached SGCh.
Additionally, I have always found that the most tedious part of judging a show for myself was having to copy and paste each pet's showname into the placings for BIS, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and HM and then tagging each participant. Well, the Petz Show Bot will do all of this for the judge! The judge simply uses Discord's reaction feature to give each entry an emoji for each placement (art by Helen@Daisychain), and the bot will read these emojis, award the petz the appropriate points and placings, and keep track of the data for you.
Another thing the club does that I think is really special: it gives a database of show records for the petz community, similar to PKC. I was also inspired by MILK, the Babyz Community forum, who shows off the pageant records of all the Babyz on BCRS Hall of Fame, which is why the Petz Show Club has a Winner's Circle that announces all SGCh. achieving petz.