The Gingerbread House




et cetera



S'more will be our model for the following four downloads, all made from July 5th-7th 2023. The shirts were hexed for Duke Group's 2023 Summer Olympics!

fireflies shirt sunshine shirt dog car snailz plush

Stampz Album

PUGS '21 halloween stampPUGS '21 sparkbug stamplivflea stampspringly stampscrapfly stampunimpressed stampmuch better stampbook bingo 2023 stampchicken lover stampfunfetti beach stamp 1funfetti beach stamp 2funfetti beach stamp 3funfetti sunflower stamp 1funfetti sunflower stamp 2funfetti sunflower stamp 3gameplay contest stampharvest stampastro stampestania stampbonsai stampwho lives in a pineapple stampinto the thick of it stamplonely stampmary had a little lamb stampnever gonna give you up stampthe moon is right stampstop hammer time stamplove is in the air stamppupcorn stampwitz world find-it stamp

Thread Log

gameplay challenge summer '23 thread

a dog in a basket and a dog outside, both from Petz4