Welcome to Rockaria! We are a petz 4 site dedicated to showcasing our dogz
that we show in the Petz Kennel Club. All of dogz are shown in conformation until
Championship, as well as in premier shows and the Petz Citizen Scheme. We have a wide variety of dogz, specializing in our
Gold Lion Poodles. Featured on the layout is Foxlight, along with
Raggs and Miguel
in the banner above.
A big thanks goes out to megan @ oasis for coding
our layout and hosting us!
July 7, 2010
Rockaria is now home to a handful of champs! Just a few for now but hopefully more as time goes on!
Also a few more of our dogs have earned their XPC and ChPC titles! Few other new dogs added,
hoping they will all do well in the ring! :D
All content © Lovecraft 2010